
12:03 am

It is 12:03 am, and the lady on the radio just said "good morning". Is this allowed?

While her greeting was technically correct, my initial reaction is nevertheless that person A ought not be permitted to wish person B a good morning unless person A has either a) gone to sleep for the night and woken up, or b) witnessed the rising of the sun.



At 8:02 PM, Blogger chelfea said...

Personally I don't think the salutation "Good morning" is allowable, period. I see it more along the lines of a colorful, four-letter word....

At 12:58 PM, Blogger T.M. said...


And for the record, the fact that one sleeps in late doesn't make them lazy, if they stay up late the night before. I just see it as strong evidence that I'm supposed to be living somewhere overseas, in a more hospitible timezone.

At 2:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's allowed. What else can you say? Good after midnight? I hate when people say "good morning" anyway, but probably wouldn't mind it so much if I hadn't even gone to sleep yet.

Ruled: Allowable. Bang gavel.


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