let the drinking begin!
Ah, the new school year has begun. How do I know? Why, because the night streets are filled with drunken people stumbling around, of course! You know the school year has officially begun when at night you can't tell the local crazies from the local undergrads, each stumbling around and following random people down the sidewalk.
In honor of the new school year, I'd like to draw your attention to a historical fact that had escaped my attention until now. During the Thirty Years War, a certain German town was held under seige. It seems that all the citizens were facing impending doom...unless, that is, one man could pound down three liters of wine, in which case the town would be spared. Terror reigned supreme until one brave soul stepped forward and accepted the challenge. He chugged, saved the town, and died. To this day, the town enacts the story every year in the play Der Meistertrunk. Now that's war. Fratboy style.
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