
mission accomplished

First Lieutenant T.M., reporting as ordered. I've made it out of Commissioned Officer Training relatively unscathed, have arrived at my home base, and am preparing to set off again for ten more weeks in that little slice of heaven I like to call Alabama. I guess the good thing about being in 'Bama so long is that by the time I free myself from that lovely state I'll almost be a captain. You can get a head start and begin calling me Capt T.M. now, if you'd prefer.

There's so much to say about the last month and a half, I don't know where to begin. Since we last talked, I've eaten alligator tail, rappelled down a wall, and gone up against fighter pilots in a popular Air Force game that is best described as full-contact billiards. I have also worked a seemingly endless string of 19-hour days, marched in torrential rains (anyone see CNN last month?), and biffed it while sprinting toward the finish line at the end of a 1.5 mile cardio test. So it's been a mixed bag. All in all it wasn't as bad as expected, or was at least bad in different ways, and I graduated before they could kick me out.

And that's it, really. Just a posting to let you know that I'm still alive and that I hope to post more regularly now that I'm -- oh, who am I kidding. See you in a month.


At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Awning said...

Glad to hear you survived (as I expected you would). One of my friend's has relatives who live in Alabama and who explain things there by saying, "That's so 'Bama." I hope you will be able to translate the meaning of this mystery for me after your next 10 weeks.

At 11:30 PM, Blogger T.M. said...

I expect many lessons in the ways of Alabama. I will let you know what I can find out...


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