shall we gather at the river...
As part of my new job, I got to take a drug test today. The company I am doing my internship with is large enough to have its very own drug tester guy, and I talked with him a bit before fulfilling my obligations. He's probably in his 50's, and turns out he's really educated. He has a variety of degrees, and just recently finished a law degree that he began in his youth and finished last year, "because I once told my son that you should always start what you finish." He's been a professor at several universities, and has lived all over Europe with his Italian wife. So why is he taking my urine sample? And he's not even the guy who does the actual testing -- he just makes sure the protocol is followed, and dons a rubber glove as he seals everything up nice and tight. Needless to say, I left a bit puzzled.
Oh, and one other thing to file under "random". As I was pulling up to the stoplight the other day, I noticed a truck in front of me, one lane over, and the truck seemed really lopsided. As I got closer, it looked like at least one of the left tires was completely gone. Then the light changed, and off he casually drove, sparks flying from his bare rim.
Perhaps he was too cheap to buy a new tire, and thought a rim would provide all the traction he needs.
In other news: I am jealous of your new job and paycheck. Well done, lad. Well done.
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