

Survey says...
Well, one of my professors has turned in her grades already, and it happened to have been for the test where I was delirious. My grade was the same as first semester, which is pretty respectable, though I was hoping for a bit higher. Once I remembered that this was the test where I saw pink bunnies hop across the page, however, I figured I'd be willing to settle. Not exactly Michael Jordan in the NBA finals, but certainly better than his attempt at professional baseball.

Whoops, revisited
I visited my parents this past weekend for Mother's Day, and my mom made a point to let me know that I wasn't an accident, I was just...unplanned. And Chris Farley wasn't fat, he was...fluffy. She did say, however, that they had been trying unsuccessfully to have a kid and then just sort of figured it wouldn't happen so stopped trying so "strenuously", which is when I came along. Or something like that.

Next season, celebrity cathaters...
I admit, I was pleased to see that a competitive celebrity cooking show was cancelled not long ago, after only a few episodes. When I first came back from Thailand last year, I heard a snippet about some sort of Dancing with Celebrities show, and my first task was to choke down the bile rising in my throat. How sad is it that people would want to watch washed out celebrities fumble their way through ballroom dancing? I was even more saddened to learn that people I actually know were fans of the show. Have we no self-respect? Add on the show where you watch celebrities try to ice skate, or the show where you watch celebrities try to lose weight, and it was all getting to be too much. I still have a shred of hope for My Country 'Tis of Thee, however, now that I know middle America draws the line when it comes to competitive celebrity cooking.

No Easter Bunny, either
I remember the moment I first became a bit disillusioned with humanity. I was about six years old, and I was riding in the car with my Dad and Grandma in the middle of the night, when we got a flat tire. We then pulled over and my dad proceeded to change the flat. For some reason I figured my dad wouldn't be able to do it on his own (sorry, Dad) and that we would need someone to pull over and help us. I was certain that this person would come shortly, but car after car passed us, and not a single person stopped to ask if we needed help. I bring this up because I had the opportunity to change three of my own flat tires (each a different one) within about two months, the most recent flat occurring this past weekend. Apparently when Les Shwab took my snow tires off and put the normal ones back on, they screwed up the valve stems. To be on the safe side, I had them check my fourth tire as they fixed the third one, and sure enough, it was about to go. I normally like Les Shwab, but how do you screw up all four valve stems in putting the tire back on? And two of the flats happened during road trips. On the up side, I'm able to change tires quite quickly now.


At 7:53 AM, Blogger Nothing said...

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At 7:55 AM, Blogger Nothing said...

About oops...

Your mom is lying! I can tell.

No, just kidding. She would never do that.

But, there is still a chance....

No, no, never.

And yet....


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