
bipolar weather

Saturday I was at the park, reading and getting a sunburn. Yesterday I was outside at nine in the evening, comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt. In a few minutes I will walk through snow flurries in order to get to my car.

Someone please stop this ride -- I think I'm going to be sick.


At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sympathize; it was 92 degrees here on Sunday, and a frigid 65 degrees on Monday. Does that count as sympathy, empathy, or neither?

At 11:15 PM, Blogger T.M. said...

I believe "mockery" is the word you're looking for...

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Nothing said...

It was 70 here three days ago, and yesterday we got the biggest wind storm I have ever seen first-hand. The sand literally wanted to peel the skin right off your face it was blowing so hard...then the temperature dropped to a chilly 50-something at the warmest part of the day. Dad-blast this weather! Can I please get a little warmth? It's the cold spring that makes me appreciate global warming...just a teeny-weenie bit.

At 11:41 AM, Blogger T.M. said...

I personally have been burning plastic bags and driving Hummers just to try and speed up global warming. I was admittedly disheartened by recent news that global temps haven't risen since 1998, but hope that means nothing in the larger cycle of sun-kissed doom.


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