
kim jong il, inspiration of students

One more week of classes left, and I still haven't gotten past page two on my first outline. Does this worry me? No, not so much as it gives me a perpetual knot in my stomach. Then again, I guess that's worry. Still, this video comforts me:

Brilliant idea. Thank you dear leader, Kim Jong Il. Instead of wasting this last week working on outlines, I will create my own personal propaganda video, which I will force each one of my profs to imbibe while listening to triumphant commie music. Tortia Man: Fearless Taker of Tests, Whose Essay Answers Inspire All People of the Mighty Motherland. Put that sucker on loop, and my "A"s are guaranteed.


At 5:44 PM, Blogger Lindsey Lou said...

Yes, you should definitely do just that. And I will outline and soak up the boost to my class standing, all while laughing maniacally.

At 10:48 PM, Blogger T.M. said...

Well, I just got done studying on a Saturday night. You see what you do to me? I hope you're happy with yourself.


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