if you loved me, you'd kidnap me
I have a friend who, when he was a boy, was kidnapped by his father. And made to live on a bunny farm. This seems pretty neat to me -- I'd like to be able to drop into casual conversation, it reminds me a little of the time I was kidnapped and living on a bunny farm. Even now when he talks with his dad, he can start sentences by saying, you know when you transported me illegally across state lines, just to stay one step ahead of the feds?
Part of what I thought was so cool about this was that it seemed like an uncommon occurrence. With this in mind, the wife and I were talking with two of our friends and somehow the subject of kidnapping came up. Hey, we said, we actually have a friend who was kidnapped. By his dad! At this point they looked at as, and she said, actually, ---- (the other friend) was kidnapped by his dad, too.
So apparently I have two different friends who have been kidnapped by their fathers. And the other friend, the second kidnappee, was actually snuck across international borders. I always suspected I had led a sheltered childhood.
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